My name is Eleni and I am a Boston, MA based designer.
With over 14 years of passionate dedication, I've honed my design skills throughout my freelance and professional career. Design is not just a career choice for me; it's a natural calling. My style leans towards clean, contemporary aesthetic, but I'm starting to venture into the vintage minimalism look - not a far venture, but it's a step! Inspired by Swiss design principles, I find beauty in expansive negative space and innovative typography. I adapt to just about any environment I'm thrown into; from independent projects to a collaborative team. I work hard to get the job done efficiently and effectively, no matter how many sleepless, coffee-fueled nights it takes. If there's anything I don't know yet, I promise you I will learn it, because I am driven to learn and expand my knowledge within the field. As the famous Mark Twain once said, "Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Let's grab a coffee, work together, and create tomorrow!